In today’s Quick Tip I will show you the most important part of any stroke, the “Hitting Zone.” Sure, there are better ways than others to hit a ball, but there is one thing that all of the pros have in common no matter how they swing and it is called the “Hitting Zone.” The […]
Free Game Changers
Do you ever get out there and just “Hope” things work out? Did you know that you can “MAKE” things work out? Find out how with these 6 proven game changers and start improving your doubles game immediately. One which the pros use 66% of the time on every shot.” Learn what you need to be focusing on BEFORE the point starts to improve your odds of winning every point. Click the “Subscribe For Free” button for your FREE Game Changers .
QT008 – How Big Backswings Affect Our Stroke
Even Though your backswing might even start low, that doesn’t mean that is is short. In toad’s quick tip, i show you one of the common denominators that make a backswing efficient, keeping your hitting zones long. S.E.T.S. – Keep the racquet in one plane when swinging
QT007 – Better Way To Hit Low Balls To Your Opponent
In today’s quick tip I will show you a better way to attempt to keep the ball low. Hitting the ball low does not necessarily mean hitting it low over the net. This can make it easier for our opponent sometimes. Dipping it low is a better answer to get our opponent to “Hit Up” […]
QT006 – Why The Ball Goes Long
In today’s quick tip I will show you three reasons why the ball goes long and how you can correct these issues. S.E.T.S. 1. Slow it down 2. Hit with more topspin 3. Close the racquet face by either turning it down or changing your grip (last resort).
QT005 – Balance: The Most Important Element to Consistency
In today’s Quick Tip, I show you how Balance can make your stroke effortless. Without proper balance, you will have a difficult time achieving consistency and you will have to be a magician with your hands. This also breaks the “Kinetic Chain” and forces you to hit with just your arms in most cases.
Video Instruction
One of the best ways to retain any kind of instruction is by video. Watch myself along with some of the the top teaching professionals from around the world keep learning simple and efficient. If you click the quick tips tab, you will be able to see my daily tip that you can take out […]
Listen To A Podcast
What is a podcast? A podcast is basically an on demand radio show that you can listen to whenever you like. Listen to part and then come back and listen to the rest later. A great way to learn while driving, working out, mowing the yard, or anything you may be up to . Listen […]
Free Game Changers
Do you ever get out there and just “Hope” things work out? Did you know that you can “MAKE” things work out? Find out how with these 6 proven game changers and start improving your doubles game immediately. One which the pros use 66% of the time on every shot.” Learn what you need to be […]
QT004 – Why Taking the Racquet Back is Crazy
In today’s quick tip, I tell you why taking the racquet back is the wrong way to think when trying to hit effective groundstrokes. Think about it this way, If you take the racquet back, how how is it going to move forward? probably the same way you got it back there. Solution: TURN the […]
QT003 – Scratch the “Backscratch” Off the List When Serving
In today’s quick tip, I will show you one of the most common teaching and playing mistakes when it comes to learning the serve properly, the “Backscratch” position. You will see from my example and those of the pros how this common error can be corrected very easily giving you: The Simple Solution: Keep your […]
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